Sunday, November 6, 2016

When and what vaccines to be given to a dog/puppy (vaccination schedule for dog/puppy)

- follow this schedule as soon as possible . If your dog haven't received any vaccine till now and have crossed his age . Don't worry , you can still give him all these vaccines as soon you notice this.

vaccination schedule

1) age - 1.5 month
DHPPil - This a primary vaccination . It will protect your dog against - distemper , hepatitis , parvo , parainfluenza , leptospira .

brand names - canvac , vanguard plus L4, boican, canixin , canigen , etc

2) age - 2.5 months
- booster dose of DHPPil

3) age- 3 months
1 st dose of  Rabies vaccine
brand name - Raksharab

4) age - 4 month
- booster dose of rabies vaccine

Rabies vaccine & DHPPil vaccine to be repeated every year for lifetime
Leptospira vaccine to be repeated every 6 months for life time.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

How to deworm your dog/puppy ? deworming schedule

Deworming schedule 

start your dog on this deworming as soon as possible , minimum 15 days old in a puppy .

1) less than 3 month old puppy 

ideally start at 15 days 
drug chemical -Pyrantel Pamoate - 1ml/kg 
( brand name -  kiwof puppy/drontal puppy )

repeat after 15 days till 3 months .

2) 3month to 6month old puppy 

- when the puppy is more than 7 kg , switch to tablets - 1 tablet/10 kg  , given once in a month
drug chemical -Pyrantel Pamoate + praziquantel + febantel 
brand names - easy pet , kiwof plus , drontal plus 

3) more than 6 month old puppy 

- 1 tablet/10 kg  , given once in 3 month , for lifetime 
drug chemical -Pyrantel Pamoate + praziquantel + febantel 
brand names - easy pet , kiwof plus , drontal plus

Important note - Give hepatoprotectants like Liv-52 (for dogs)
- 4 days before giving deworming agent and continue till 1 week of post- deworming. 
This will keep the liver of your dog healthy.

data source/courtesy - Dr. Deependra