Saturday, April 19, 2014


Disclaimer - I am an Agnostic theist & there is no motive for me to hurt anyone’s feeling .I am not judging anyone or god. These are my personal views /points ,but read it carefully from starting to the end, to understand it better and ponder over it, at least once  :)

Just imagine for a second that there is no such thing as 'GOD'. All these myths/stories/holy books are written by few couple of people (ancestors), to spread/preserve humanity & wisdom.
Then why they created god in different in forms??
Because when there is such a large population, it’s always easy to spread a message or to control people by dividing them into small groups.
These days people become atheist for fashion or sometimes in anger. Here are the few points to reviews the pros & cons of believing in the god.


1)      Internal peace – it relaxes your minds & thought , giving the internal pleasure & peace.

2)      Key to relieve  stress/tension free- people leave their problems/tensions on God , & get relieved .It’s like transferring our problem to god through prayers and getting assured of a solution.

3)      Positive energy- it fills you with positive energy after reading/listening to holy books/mantras.

4)      Preserves humanity in world- it motivates people to do good things -to get heaven or to get good things in the future..  
e.g.-to decrease their own sin ,they feed other poor people & help them.

5)      Decreases  crime rate- as when people have fear of god, the crime rate automatically decreases when they feel that -god is seeing them & he will surely punish them.

 But unfortunately number of atheist people are increasing.


6)      Placebo effect in medicine-  it affects health & mind a lot, in keeping them healthy & in getting better .

7)       Makes you wiser- it feeds your mind with universal truths & nature, gives you wisdom of life. Many unexplained things in this earth could be explained with the help of god. It gives emotional stability too.

8)      Makes you mentally strong-practising (only few) rituals like-fasting (mind control ) makes you strong.

9)      Gives confidence- it builds your confidence. E.g. - taking god name before doing tough things or new thing gives you a confidence.

 10) helps you to understand unnatural things/miracles easily


1)      Mislead/violence- people get easily misguided in the name of god leading to violence & fight. e.g . inter-religion fights

2)      Discrimination- people start discrimination based on religion, which starts from criticising others religions & rituals.
 Its biggest example can be seen during elections, politicians do that to increase their vote-bank.

3)      Limits you/restrictions- based on ethics sometimes it limits you on many scientific research and many things. Like sometime it stops you from doing what you like  e.g.-eating  non-veg food on few days.

4) Economical loss- people throw money in holy lake/pond/stone cracks. From where money can’t be returned. It affects our economy a lot.

5)       Wastage of things – people waste many things like- milk/food & many things, which could be fed to hunger people shouldn’t be wasted.


6)Good & bad omens- they give a lot of restrictions & also creates negative thought & environment.

7)   Superstition -  

    all things cant be explained on name of god , sometimes we need to use our own head & science .

8) people play with your feelings/faith- like babas..or best example could be seen in internet or in mobile texting e.g.- few people make others to share or forward the messages/pics of god to others (black-mail).

9) your beliefs ,money-making thing for others-

Take home-message:-

Actually, all the cons could be removed if we all follow any religion with our full devotion with little rationality, & with being little logistic in following. Few people will always try to take over advantages in many things when they get to know about our beliefs & rituals to get some personal benefits out of it. So we all need to be a little careful(e.g.-politicians) , as excess of anything is harmful.!!

also believing the existence of God may be another way of creating a positive environment around us & also for decreasing the crime rate people are more afraid of God than any law of this country.. :)

for all atheist people: -
when you are logical & rational , then is no harm in believing in god because still all those pros of it can't be neglected. It gonna benefit you only :) ....its not always you are 100 % a theist or atheist...sometimes its in  between these two...& to know this..learn in the pictures shown below..!!

 -ankit suniyal (date-19th april 2014)
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