Fishes are silent & beautiful creatures of God , they need a lot of care and love that too on time,without any delay/condition.
1) all the fishes can’t survive in the bowl, as they need an oxygen supply in the aquarium. Only a few fish can survive in bowl e.g- gold fish, fighter fish..etc
2) all the fishes can’t be mixed randomly. They may fight & kill each other. Best is keep one fish in one bowl.
3) buy a fish which is suitable to survive in your environmental conditions of your home...which is infantile , active , uninjured
4) fishes have short term memory, so never feel guilty of keeping them in a small pot/bowl. By the time they will complete one round of the pot, they will forget & will make the next one. So every time it’s a new thing ,new place for them.
5) try bonding with them by singing/talking,sitting in front of the bowl. All the pet animals need love of humans to survive.. so never ignore them, because it's your responsibility to do so . Love them as much as you can J
1) never wash bowl with any soap/detergent/chemical. These things are toxic to them.
2) just wash the bowl with normal tap water, whenever you change the water of the bowl.
3) try cleaning it with a separate toothbrush for cleaning internal decoration things, as they are susceptible to the fungal growth easily.
4) The size of the bowl must be enough for the fish to move easily/randomly/freely. Never make it dense/over populate it for them.
1) change the water whenever you see water becomes little turbid , generally in 1 week, depending upon the size of the bowl.
2) refill the bowl whenever the water level is below the 3/4th of the bowl, especially during summers.
3) the fresh water (which you gonna fill), first keep it in one bucket for overnight. so that the chlorine and other impurities settles down..& pH is normalized…as fishes are very sensitive to pH change.
4) as soon as you change the water , don’t forget to put food in it…otherwise fish may die of hunger.
1) feed them at a particular time only. E.g – morning (7-8am) & evening(8-9pm) ,twice/once in a day. This maintains their digestion/food habits.
2) whenever you put the food in the bowl ,just tap the bowl gently , to make a sound/vibrations. Fish will come up every time & this will help you to bond/connect with the fish.
3)give food in small quantities , as the large amount of food makes the bowl dirty early.
4) use the same quality/company’s food.
5) always have extra food packets with you . So you never run in shortage of food.
1) regularly check the bowl for any type of fungal growth (green/black colour)…if you find any, just wash it away immediately and treat the pot with any anti-fungal solution which is best recommended for the fishes.
2) check for any type new spot/white mark in the fish or any lethargy.. Treat immediately with any anti-parasitic solution…available at any pet store care.