Saturday, September 12, 2015

Recommended Books for MBBS students (1st yr till final year )


A) Anatomy
  1.  BD Chaurasia (handbook and textbook, must)
  2. Student's  edition of gray's anatomy 
  3. Vishram Singh (Neuroanatomy)
  4. Richard snell (standard book for Neuroanatomy)
  5. Inderbir Singh (it makes embryology & histology quite easy to understand)
  6. Kazi Q & A book,  helpful for exams)
  7. Langman (standard book/reference for embryology, diagrams are good, but its language is quite complicated )
  8.  Di Fiore  (standard book/reference book for histology )
  9.  Netter's atlas 
  10. Grant's atlas (this atlas is quite better as few extra points are given below the diagrams)

B) Physiology 

- Guyton (must,prefers Guyton over Ganong)
- A K Jain

C) Biochemistry 

- Vasudevan (quite complicated with so many interlinks, but its good to learn from it )
- Chatterjee
-Harper (standard book, must try)


A) Pathology 

- Robins (standard bookmust have)
- Harsh Mohan ( easy to read & understand)
Geetika Khana  Q & A book ,  helpful during exams)

B) Microbiology 

Ananthnarayan (textbook)
- Jawetz ( standard book for better guidance and concepts ) 
- Baveja (simple and easy to understand the basics)
- Apurba Shastri (precise and to the point )
- Parija ( practical manual book and Parasitology book, quite lengthy) 
 - Nagoba and Asha pichare Q & A book ,  helpful during exams)

C) Pharmacology

- KD Tripati (must have )
-  Katzung (standard book )
- Shanbaug (helpful to prepare answers and understand) 
- Goodman Gilman  (PG level book)

D) Forensic medicine 

- Reddy (quite boring as it is black & white BUT standard book)
- Pillay (precise and have lots of pictures) 
-T Rama Rao (Q & A book,  helpful during exams)



- Park (standard book, must)
- vivek jain ( Q & A book )
- Sreejith, Paras publication ( highly updatedto the point, must try)

B) Opthalmology 

- Khurana (precise and pointwise , must )
- Parson (standard book, must have, best book to develop concepts and basics )
- Tulli (clinical book for opthal, optional)
-Kanski (PG level)


- Dhingra (must have)
- Balkrishna ( clinical book for ENT) 
- Logan (PG level)


A) Medicine

- Hutchison or Macleod clinical book ( must read at least once )
- Davidson (must have)
- Kundu (for bedside clinical case, Must have for clinics)
- Alagappan (practical manual for Practical basics ) 
- G. Matthew (Q & A book,  helpful during exams)
- Harrison (can use for reference or try to read, must have it's soft copy atleast )

B) Surgery 

- Bailey and Love (standard book, optional, can have its ebook)
- Manipal ( Textbook, easy, simple to read & Understand, adequate )
- Rajmahendran's book of Short cases and Long cases (must have for surgery practicals )
- S.Das ( standard practical book)
- Sabiston or Schwartz PG level books)

C) Paediatrics 

- OP Ghai (text book, must have)
- Scott ( Paeds Clinical book, important for UG & PGs )
- IAP ( lengthy & costly, Must have it's soft copy in your laptop/tablet )
- Nelson ( PG level book)

D) Obstetrics and gynecology 

- Dutta's Textbook of Obstetrics (standard )
- Sheila balakrishnan - Obstetrics ( easy to understand and read , updated , must have )
- lakshmi seshadri essentials of Gynecology (easy , updated , must have )
- Shaw's Textbook of Gynecology (optional)

Orthopaedics - Maheshwari (textbook, easy to understand, basics)
                      - Apley (standard textbook, must have its ebook)
                      - kaushik banerjee / S.das of surgery ( for clinical)

For side subjects/Topics-
Psychiatry- Neeraj Ahuja
Dermat - Neena khanna or
              - Dr. Thappa 
Neurology examination  - Fuller (standard)
exam, optional )
ECG made easy - John R Hampton (optional)